Tracking Methods


Getting Started

Please refer to our Quickstart Guide.

The Full API Reference (opens in a new tab), Library Source Code (opens in a new tab), and an Example Application (opens in a new tab) is documented in our GitHub repo.

Initialize the Library

Replace YOUR_TOKEN with your project token. You can find your token here (opens in a new tab).

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
  private MixpanelAPI mp;
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    trackAutomaticEvents = false;
    // Replace with your Project Token
    mp = MixpanelAPI.getInstance(this, "YOUR_TOKEN", trackAutomaticEvents);

Configuration Options

See all config options (opens in a new tab).

Sending Events

Once you've initialized the library, you can track an event using .track() with the event name and properties.

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);
JSONObject props = new JSONObject();
props.put("Gender", "Female");
props.put("Plan", "Premium");
mixpanel.track("Plan Selected", props);

Timing Events

You can track the time it took for an action to occur, such as an image upload or a comment post, using .timeEvent(). This will mark the "start" of your action, which will be timed until you finish with a track call. The time duration is then recorded in the "Duration" property.

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);
// start the timer for the event "Image Upload"
mixpanel.timeEvent("Image Upload");
// stop the timer if the imageUpload() method returns true
    mixpanel.track("Image Upload");

Super Properties

It's very common to have certain properties that you want to include with each event you send. Generally, these are things you know about the user rather than about a specific event - for example, the user's age, gender, source, or initial referrer.

To make things easier, you can register these properties as super properties. If you tell us just once that these properties are important, we will automatically include them with all events sent. Super properties are saved to device storage, and will persist across invocations of your app. Super properties are indistinguishable from other event properties once ingested in your project.

Mixpanel already stores some information as super properties by default; see a full list of Mixpanel default properties here.

To set super properties, call .registerSuperProperties()

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);

// Send a "User Type: Paid" property will be sent
// with all future track calls.
JSONObject props = new JSONObject();
props.put("User Type", "Paid");

The next time you track an event, the super properties you just set will be included as properties.

Super properties are saved to device storage, and will persist between executions of your app.

Setting Super Properties Once and Only Once

If you want to store a super property only once (for example, a date of first login), you can use .registerSuperPropertiesOnce().

Super Properties Live in Local Storage

Our mobile libraries store your super properties in local storage. They will persist so long as the app is installed (between launches and updates). Uninstalling the app will remove that customers super properties.

Managing User Identity

You can handle the identity of a user using the identify (opens in a new tab) method. Proper use of these methods can connect events to the correct user as they move across devices, browsers, and other platforms.


Identify a user with a unique ID to track user activity across devices, tie a user to their events, and create a user profile. If you never call this method, unique visitors are tracked using a UUID that generates the first time they use the app.

Call identify when you know the identity of the current user, typically after log-in or sign-up. We recommend against using identify for anonymous visitors to your site.

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);
// Ensure all future events sent from
// the device will have the distinct_id 13793

In general, if you use identify (opens in a new tab), you should call it as soon as the user logs in to your application. This will track all of their authenticated application usage to the correct user ID.

Call Reset at Logout

Reset (opens in a new tab) generates a new random distinct_id and clears super properties. Call reset to clear data attributed to a user when that user logs out. This allows you to handle multiple users on a single device. For more information about maintaining user identity, see the Identifying Users article.

Storing User Profiles

In addition to events, you can store user profiles in Mixpanel's Behavioral Analytics product. Profiles are persistent sets of properties that describe a user - things like name, email address, and signup date. You can use profiles to explore and segment users by who they are, rather than what they did.

We generally recommend creating user profiles for only authenticated users; with this in mind, to create user profiles, 2 requiremenst need to be met:

  • You must call .identify() at least once for each user. Normally this is done after they authenticate.
  • At least one property should be sent for a profile to be created.

Note: when sending set or set_once operations, the library will also populate automatic properties like $android_app_version, $android_os_version, geo-location properties and others.

Setting Profile Properties

You can set properties on a user profile with MixpanelAPI.getPeople().set (opens in a new tab).

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);
// identify must be called before
// user profile properties can be set
// the first param is the user's ID
// the second param is a flag for allowing profile updates
mixpanel.identify("13793", true);
// Sets user's "Plan" attribute to "Premium"
mixpanel.getPeople().set("Plan", "Premium");

This will set a "Plan" property, with a value "Premium", on user 13793's profile. If there isn't a profile with distinct_id 13793 in Mixpanel already, a new profile will be created. If user 13793 already has a property named "Plan" in their profile, the old value will be overwritten with "Premium".

Incrementing Numeric Properties

You can use MixpanelAPI.getPeople().increment (opens in a new tab) to change the current value of numeric properties. This is useful when you want to keep a running tally of things, such as games played, messages sent, or points earned.

// Add 500 to the current value of
// "points earned" in Mixpanel
mixpanel.getPeople().increment("points earned", 500);
// Pass a Map to increment multiple properties
Map<String, Integer> properties =
    new HashMap<String, Integer>();
properties.put("dollars spent", 17);
// Subtract by passing a negative value
properties.put("credits remaining", -34);

Appending to List Properties

.getPeople.append() creates an update that adds an item to a list-valued property. The value you send with the append is added to the end of the list. If the property doesn't exist, it will be created with one element list as its value.

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);
//Identify the user profile that is going to be updated
//Add the color green to the list property "Favorite Colors"
//A new list property is created if it doesn't already exist
mixpanel.getPeople().append("Favorite Colors", "Green")

Other Types of Profile Updates

There are a few other types of profile updates. They can be accessed through the MixpanelPeople class (opens in a new tab).

Group Analytics

Mixpanel Group Analytics is a paid add-on that allows behavioral data analysis by selected groups, as opposed to individual users.

Grouping by identifiers other than the distinct_id will allow analysis at a company or group level when using Mixpanel analytics. Read this article to learn more about Group Analytics.

A group is identified by the group_key and group_id.

  • group_key is the property that connects event data for Group Analytics.
  • group_id is the identifier for a specific group.

If the property “company” is chosen for Group Analytics, “company” is the group_key, and “Mixpanel”, “Company A”, and “13254” are all potential group_id values.

A user can belong to multiple groups. All updates to a group operate on the group_key and group_id.

Creating a Group Key

Administer group keys through your Project Settings. Group keys are event properties. All events need to have a defined group key on them in order to be attributed to a group. Group keys are project specific, and the group key should be set up before group data is sent. Note that Mixpanel does not backfill historical data before the group key was implemented.

To administer group keys, navigate to your Project Settings. Click +Add Group Key under the GROUP KEYS section.


Enter an event property to attribute the group key to. You can also enter a display name for the group key. Click Save.

Adding Users to a Group

Adding users to groups causes the group_key and group_id to send as a property key and value for all events triggered by that user on the device. You can add multiple values for a single user to the group_key list property.

Similar to a distinct_id, the group_key allows Mixpanel to group events by an identifier for analysis. A group_key, however, is a group level identifier and not a user level identifier like the distinct_id.

You can add users to groups by calling the .setGroup() method:

mMixpanel.setGroup("group key", "group id");

You can call .addGroup() to add any additional groups to an existing list.

mMixpanel.addGroup("group key", "group id");

You can call .removeGroup() to remove any additional groups from an existing list.

mMixpanel.removeGroup("group key", "group id");

Creating Group Profiles

It is possible to create a Group profile that is similar to a user profile. You must call getGroup.set() to build a group profile. It is important to the group_key, group_id, and one property so that the profile is not empty.

mMixpanel.getGroup("group key", "group id").set("SET NAME", "SET VALUE");

Setting Group Profile Properties

You can add details to Groups by adding properties to them.

In order to update Group profile properties, you must specify the group that needs to be updated by calling getGroup().set() (opens in a new tab).

mMixpanel.getGroup("group key", "group id").set("SET NAME", "SET VALUE");
mMixpanel.getGroup("group key", "group id").setMap((new HashMap<>()).put("SET MAP INT", 1));

The getGroup() (opens in a new tab) method can be chained with other commands that edit properties specific to the group.

You can set the property $name to populate the name field at the top of the group profile.

These operations are similar to the corresponding operations for user profile property updates.


mixpanel.getGroup().set() (opens in a new tab) updates or adds a property to a group.

mMixpanel.getGroup("group key", "group id").set("SET NAME", "SET VALUE");
mMixpanel.getGroup("group key", "group id").setMap((new HashMap<>()).put("SET MAP INT", 1));

Mixpanel provides other functions for working with Group Profiles, you can see the full reference here (opens in a new tab).

Debugging and Logging

Enabling Mixpanel debugging and logging allows you to see the debug output from the Mixpanel Android library. This may be useful in determining when track calls go out or in-app messages are fetched. To enable Mixpanel debugging and logging, you will want to add the following permission within your AndroidManifest.xml inside the <application> tag:

      android:value="true" />

App Links Tracking

The Mixpanel library has built in support for tracking in-bound and out-bound App Links (opens in a new tab). App Links is a specification to help standardize deep-linking between apps as well as give you additional information about how users are getting to and from your own mobile app.


In order for Mixpanel to track App Links, your app must satisfy the following dependencies:

Note: If your application does not meet these requirements, the Mixpanel library will log debug messages about App Links tracking not being enabled. This is NOT an error and can be safely ignored.

Tracking In-bound App Links

If a user comes to your app via an App Link, Mixpanel will automatically track a $al_nav_in event with meta information about where they came from.

Tracking Out-bound App Links

If you're linking to other applications using the Bolts framework, Mixpanel will track a $al_nav_out event with additional meta information about where the user is being linked to.

bolts.AppLinkNavigation.navigateInBackground(this, "");

Flushing Events

To preserve battery life and customer bandwidth, the Mixpanel library doesn't send the events you record immediately. Instead, it sends batches to the Mixpanel servers every 60 seconds while your application is running, as well as when the application transitions to the background. You can call flush manually if you want to force a flush at a particular moment.

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN, true);
// Push all queued Mixpanel events and
// profile changes to Mixpanel servers

EU Data Residency

Route data to Mixpanel's EU servers by adding meta-data entries under the <application> tag of your app's AndroidManifest.xml.

<meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="" />
<meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="" />
<meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="" />
<meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="" />

Mobile Attribution

Learn more about mobile attribution here.

[Legacy] Automatically Tracked Events

Mixpanel's SDKs have a legacy feature to automatically collect common mobile events. We don't recommend enabling this, as these events rely on client-side state and can be unreliable.

Raw NameDisplay NameDescription
$ae_first_openFirst App OpenTracks the first time the user has opened the app. This event is retriggered if the user reinstalls the app or clears local storage.
$ae_updatedApp UpdatedExecutes when a user updates the app from the previous version. A Version Updated ($ae_updated_version) property is tracked to store the new app version.
$ae_crashedApp CrashedExecutes when Mixpanel receives either an exception or a signal that indicated the app has crashed. A Crash Reason ($ae_crashed_reason) property is tracked to help identify the type of crash.
$ae_sessionApp SessionExecutes when a user spends more than 10 seconds in the app. A Session Length ($ae_session_length) property is tracked to reflect the number of seconds user spent in the session. In addition, there are two user properties tracked: Total App Sessions ($ae_total_app_sessions) and Total App Session Length ($ae_total_app_session_length).

Release History

See All Releases (opens in a new tab).

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