


Reports are the basic unit of performing an analysis in Mixpanel. A report can be saved to a Board, and a board can contain many reports. Each report consists of one or more metric displayed using a visualization.

Mixpanel has four core reports.

This article focuses on the common concepts across the core reports. Learn more about the Query Builder here.


A metric is a some sort of measurement on a behavior. An example of a metric is "Unique Users" doing "Sign up", which is the measurement of unique users, on the behavior of "Sign up".


A behavior is an event or a sequence of events performed within some criteria. A behavior can be something simple like a single event, or it can be something more complex like doing a multi step funnel.


A measurement is a selection on how to summarize behaviors. Depending on the behavior, certain measurements may be not be possible. For example, for a single event, you cannot measure the conversion rate of it. Some examples of measurements are: total events, unique users, total sessions, conversion rate, retention rate and aggregate property. The measurement is chosen at the bottom left area of the metric.



In the top right, you can change the type of visualization for your report. The options available will depend on the type of report that you started with. In this case, we switched to a bar view, allowing us to see the total number of "Log In" across the entire time range, allowing us a summarized view that is easily scanned.



Filters are used to narrow events or behaviors that qualify for analysis. For example, you may want to only consider "Sign Up" events that came from Android. In this case you would you be filtering the "Sign Up" event to only include the "Sign Up" events where the property "Device" is equal to "Android".

Global Filters

A global filter applies to the entire report. by properties or cohorts by clicking the Filter button. This will filter the results of the entire report to show only data with that property or cohort.


Inline Filters

An inline filter applies to one particular event in the report.

Add a filter to your query by clicking on the  icon beside an event, profile, cohort, or step.


Then, select a property from the drop down list that appears and specify which values to filter.


In Funnels, filtering a step by a particular property will limit the data you see in the funnel to events with that property value.

You can choose multiple property filters for each item in your query.

You can select whether you would like the query to match any of these filters, or all of the filters by clicking on and/or beside the filters.



Breakdown groups the results of your metrics in Insights, Funnels, Flows, or Retention reports by a property or cohort, allowing you to examine which properties or cohorts have a significant impact on your query.

This feature is useful for determining if a group factor, such as browser type, is having an impact on the way users interact with your product. Breakdown will display counts, such as the number of events performed or the conversion rates with that property value.

Select the Breakdown button, and select the property or cohort you want to breakdown your results by.


For cohorts, you will be shown groups of users both in and not in the cohort in your results.

It is only possible to either group by properties or group by cohorts, but not both.

View Users

View Users is a streamlined process for exploring the users contributing to a specific metric or point on a chart. By interacting with the chart, you can view a group of users experiencing friction or dig deep into which users are driving feature adoption.

View Users can help you:

  • See the users contributing to any metric and view their recent activities & properties.
  • Save these users as a cohort.
  • Export these users to a CSV file.


Downloading Reports

You can download reports in four formats:

  • CSV
  • PNG
  • PDF
  • Formatted API

To download Insights, Funnels, and Retention reports, click the "..." icon on the upper right corner of each report and select "Export". Note the limitations on downloads.

Limits and Ordering


In order to keep the interactive analysis experience snappy for projects of all sizes, we imposed limits on how many segments are returned back to the report (visible limit) and how many segments can be selected at a time for visualization (selection limit), as well as the number of segments selected by default (default selection).

Here's the breakdown per report + visualization type:

Report VizDefault SelectionSelection LimitVisible Limit
Insights (bar)123003000
Insights (line)12503000

Hover over your table of visible segments to check if your report has reached the segmentation limit.


Report Exports

CSV - CSV export supports up to 50,000 breakdown segments. API - The Query API supports up to 10,000 breakdown segments. PNG and PDF - PNG and PDF export supports up to 30 segments in the Insights table, Insights bar, Retention table, and Retention line; and up to 12 segments for the Insights line.

Top Segments logic

The way we pick the top segments differs according to the type of query. We choose the top segments based on the value shown in the second column.

Query typeHow we select top segments
TotalTotal number of occurrences of the chosen event
UniqueNumber of unique users who performed the chosen event
Sum of property valuesSum of the chosen property
Min/max of property valuesLowest/highest value of the chosen property
AverageNumber of events (or users) that contribute to the average
Median/Percentile/DistributionNumber of events (or users) that contribute to the distribution
Distinct countNumber of distinct values of the chosen property
DAU/WAU/MAUNumber of unique users
SessionsNumber of sessions that contain the chosen event
FunnelsTotal number of times the first funnel step was completed
RetentionTotal number of times the first event was completed

Saving to a Board

When you are satisfied with the analysis, and decide that this is something that you are likely to revisit, Mixpanel recommends that you save the report to a Board. You can do this by pressing "Save" in the top right and selecting the Board you would like to save to, or creating a new Board. Sharing and permissions are set at the Board level. Learn more about Sharing and Permissions.


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