Sharing and Permission

Sharing and Permission


Reports are always saved to boards. When you save a report, you'll be prompted to save it to a specific board. In essence, the board now acts as a folder, with many potential purposes, including:

  • A centralized place to track numerous metrics related to a product launch
  • A chain of analyses digging into a particular behaviour or issue
  • A set of draft reports you're working on

This will make it easy to keep reports organized, and reduce time wasted recreating the same reports again and again.

Note: This only applies to the Mixpanel's core reports (Insights, Flows, Funnels, and Retention). Advanced reports like Signal, Experiments, and Impact lives in the Applications folder at the top right of the page.



Sharing and permissions are set at the board level, and all reports saved on a board inherit the same set of sharing and permissions settings of that board.

To share a board, and therefore all reports contained within it, click the Share button at the top right of the board. From here, sharing works as before, but remember, sharing a board shares all of that board's other reports as well. 


Both reports and boards can also be shared via the "Copy URL" button at the top right. Clicking this button will immediately copy the short link to the report or board, so you can quickly paste it into your application of choice.


So long as the recipient has access to the project, they will be able to see the shared report or board. However, unless they have specifically given Editor permissions, they will only be able to view it, not edit it.


Sharing and permissions are set at the board level, and all reports saved on a board inherit the same set of sharing and permissions settings of that board.

In the sharing process, you can choose the permissions level granted to the individual with whom you're sharing the board. Teammates with access to a board can either be Viewers (any changes made will not be saved) or Editors (changes made will be saved). 

As with sharing, setting a user's permission level on a board will give them the same permission level for all reports on that board.

Linked Reports

Every report in Mixpanel has a board where it was originally saved to. This is called the original board. However, in the interest of being able to use the same report across a variety of boards and sharing the same insight across your team and company, Mixpanel has introduced the concept of a "linked report". A linked report is denoted by the arrow in the icon of the report. Any time an existing report is added to a board or a copy is made, a linked report is made. Any changes to the report will get reflected in all of the linked reports associated with the report.


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